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/**************************************************************************** * * PROGRAM: forestfragment * * AUTHOR(S): Pawel Netzel - URK * * PURPOSE: Program calculates multiscale fores fragmentation measure * with using Jensen-Shannon Similarity measuring similarity * to fully forested areas. * * COPYRIGHT: (C) 2023 by Pawel Netzel * * This program is a free software under the GNU General Public * License (>=v2). * ***************************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <omp.h> #include <gdal.h> #include <ezgdal.h> #include <argtable3.h> /**** * The procedure displays program usage * and returns to the system */ void usage(char *progname, void *argtable) { printf("\nplForestFragment calculates forest fragmentation index based on \n"); printf("similarity approach.\n"); printf("It can calculate the index for one scale. It can also produce \n"); printf("the multiscale fragmentation index. \n"); printf("plForestFragment takes a categorical raster layer as an input.\n"); printf("A user can point a category that represents the forest class.\n"); printf("\nUsage:\n\t%s", progname); arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable,"\n"); printf("\n"); arg_print_glossary_gnu(stdout,argtable); printf("\n"); exit(0); } /**** * Comparator to sort radiuses */ int compare(const void* numA, const void* numB) { const int* num1 = (const int*)numA; const int* num2 = (const int*)numB; if (*num1 > *num2) { return 1; } else { if (*num1 == *num2) return 0; else return -1; } } /**** * Calculating index in the coocurence matrix * based on values of categories */ int calc_cooc(double v1, double v2, double forest) { if(v1==forest && v2==forest) return 0; else if(v1==forest) return 1; else if(v2==forest) return 2; else return 3; } /**** * Creating multiscale matrix that will be used as a mask * to get circular neighbourhood */ int** create_mask(int* rad, int count) { int radius, radius_max=rad[count-1]; int size = 2*radius_max+1; int i, r, c; int** mask = (int**)malloc(size*sizeof(int*)); double x, y; for(i=0; i<size; i++) mask[i] = (int*)calloc(size, sizeof(int)); for(r=0; r<size; r++) { y = pow(r - radius_max, 2); for(c=0; c<size; c++) { x = pow(c - radius_max, 2); if(sqrt(x+y)<=radius_max) mask[r][c] = count-1; else mask[r][c] = count+1; } } for(i=count-2; i>-1; i--) { radius = rad[i]; for(r=0; r<size; r++) { y = pow(r - radius_max, 2); for(c=0; c<size; c++) { x = pow(c - radius_max, 2); if(sqrt(x+y)<=radius) mask[r][c] = i; } } } return mask; } void free_mask(int** mask, int size) { int i; for(i=0; i<size; i++) free(mask[i]); free(mask); } /**** * The function calculates Jensen-Shannon Similarity - JSS * between compund coocurence matrix and reference matrix */ double calc_similarity(int** cooc, int count, double weight, double* reference) { int i, j, pos=0; double tsum=0.0, sum, M=0.0, HM=0.0, HA=0.0, HB=0.0; double* norm =(double*)calloc(count*4,sizeof(double)); // normalize for(i=0; i<count; i++) { sum = 0.0; for(j=0; j<4; j++) sum += cooc[i][j]; tsum += sum; sum /= weight; for(j=0; j<4; j++) if(sum>0) norm[pos++] = (double)cooc[i][j]/sum; } if(tsum==0.0) return 0.0; for(i=0; i<count*4; i++) { M = 0.5*(norm[i] + reference[i]); HM -= (M>0.0)?M*log2(M):0.0; HA -= (norm[i]>0)?norm[i]*log2(norm[i]):0.0; HB -= (reference[i]>0.0)?reference[i]*log2(reference[i]):0.0; } free(norm); return 1.0-sqrt(HM-0.5*(HA+HB)); } /**** * Main calculation procedure * It fills output layer with calculated similarities. * The procedure uses one or more scales defines by * variables: count and rad */ void calc_forest_fragmentation(EZGDAL_LAYER* in_fd, double forest, EZGDAL_LAYER* out_fd, int* rad, int count) { EZGDAL_STRIPE* stripe = in_fd->stripe; int layer_cols = in_fd->cols, layer_rows = in_fd->rows; double* buffer = out_fd->buffer; double in_no_data = in_fd->no_data; double out_no_data = out_fd->no_data; double weight = 1.0/(double)count; int i, row, col; int radius_max = rad[count-1]; double* reference = (double*)calloc(count*4,sizeof(double)); int** mask = create_mask(rad, count); for(i=0; i<count; i++) reference[i*4] = weight; ezgdal_show_message_nolf(stdout,"Calculations... 0%"); /**** * For each row of input raster */ for(row=0; row<layer_rows; row++) { ezgdal_load_stripe_data(stripe, row-radius_max); ezgdal_show_progress(stderr,row,layer_rows); /**** * For each cell int the row - parallel processing */ #pragma omp parallel for default(shared) schedule(dynamic, 100) for(col=0; col<layer_cols; col++) { int i, c, r; EZGDAL_FRAME* frame = &(stripe->frame[col]); double** frame_buffer = frame->buffer; if(frame_buffer[radius_max][radius_max]!=in_no_data) { int** cooc = (int **)malloc(count*sizeof(int*)); for(i=0; i<count; i++) cooc[i] = (int*)calloc(4, sizeof(int)); /**** * For each scale */ for(i=0; i<count; i++) { int radius = rad[i]; int* cooc_scale = cooc[i]; /**** * Calculation of the coocurence matrix */ for(r=radius_max-radius; r<radius_max+radius; r++) { for(c=radius_max-radius; c<radius_max+radius; c++) { if(mask[r][c]<=i) { double v = frame_buffer[r][c]; if(v!=in_no_data) { double v_right = frame_buffer[r][c+1]; double v_down = frame_buffer[r+1][c]; if(v_right!=in_no_data) cooc_scale[calc_cooc(v, v_right, forest)]++; if(v_down!=in_no_data) cooc_scale[calc_cooc(v, v_down, forest)]++; } } } } } /**** * Calculate of similarity based on counpound coocurence matrix */ buffer[col] = calc_similarity(cooc, count, weight, reference); for(i=0; i<count; i++) free(cooc[i]); free(cooc); } else buffer[col] = out_no_data; } ezgdal_write_buffer(out_fd, row); } ezgdal_show_progress(stderr,row,layer_rows); free(reference); free_mask(mask, 2*radius_max+1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { EZGDAL_LAYER *in_fd, *out_fd; char *OUTPUT; char *INPUT; double forest = 1.0; struct arg_str *inp = arg_str1("i","input","<file_name>","name of input files (GeoTIFF)"); struct arg_dbl *frst = arg_dbl0("f","forest-value","<dbl>","value for forest (default: 1.0)"); struct arg_str *out = arg_str1("o","output","<file_name>","name of output file with forest fragmentation index (JSS) (GeoTIFF)"); struct arg_int *rad = arg_intn("r","radius","<n>",1,8,"radius(es) in cells defining scale(s)"); struct arg_int *th = arg_int0("t",NULL,"<n>","number of threads (default: 1)"); struct arg_lit *help = arg_lit0("h","help","print help and exit"); struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20); void* argtable[] = {inp,frst,out,rad,th,help,end}; int nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable); if (help->count > 0) usage(argv[0],argtable); if (nerrors > 0) { arg_print_errors(stdout,end,argv[0]); usage(argv[0],argtable); } /**** * Setting the number of threads for OpenMP - default 1 */ if(th->count > 0) omp_set_num_threads(th->ival[0]); else omp_set_num_threads(1); /**** * Setting the value for forested cells - default 1 */ if(frst->count > 0) forest = frst->dval[0]; INPUT = (char *)inp->sval[0]; OUTPUT = (char *)out->sval[0]; /**** * Sorting radiuses from the smallest to the largest */ qsort(rad->ival, rad->count, sizeof(int), compare); /**** * Opening input raster layer */ if(!ezgdal_file_exists(INPUT)) { printf("\nThe file '%s' does not exist!\n\n",INPUT); exit(0); } ezgdal_show_message_nolf(stdout,"Opening input file..."); in_fd = ezgdal_open_layer(INPUT); if(in_fd==NULL) { printf("\nThe file '%s' can't be opened!\n\n",INPUT); exit(0); } else ezgdal_show_message(stdout," OK"); ezgdal_create_stripe(in_fd, -rad->ival[rad->count-1], 2*rad->ival[rad->count-1]+1); ezgdal_create_all_frames(in_fd->stripe, -rad->ival[rad->count-1], 1); /**** * Creating output raster layer */ int nodata = -9999; ezgdal_show_message_nolf(stdout,"Creating output file..."); out_fd = ezgdal_create_layer(OUTPUT, ezgdal_layer_get_wkt(in_fd), "Float32", ezgdal_layer_get_at(in_fd), in_fd->rows, in_fd->cols, &nodata, EZGDAL_COMPRESS_DEFLATE ); if(out_fd==NULL) { printf("\nThe file '%s' can't be created!\n\n",OUTPUT); exit(0); } else ezgdal_show_message(stdout," OK"); /**** * Calculation of the forest fragmentation measure */ calc_forest_fragmentation(in_fd, forest, out_fd, rad->ival, rad->count); /**** * Cleaning up and closing files */ ezgdal_close_layer(out_fd); ezgdal_close_layer(in_fd); arg_free(argtable); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }