Pawel Netzel - software
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at 2024-02-21 23:00:04
/**************************************************************************** * * PROGREM: darksky * * AUTHOR(S): Pawel Netzel - SIL UC, Henryka Netzel - CAMK * * PURPOSE: The program calculates sky lightness in the zenith direction * GHSL data are taken as input (values from 0 to 1). * If DEM is provided, the program takes into account shadowing * effect. The unit of the results is magnitudo. * * If the program is used, cite following: * * H. Netzel, P. Netzel, 2016: High resolution map of light * pollution over Poland. J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and * Radiative Transfer, Vol. 181, pp. 67-73 * * * COPYRIGHT: (C) 2016 by Pawel Netzel * * This program is free software under the GNU General Public * License (>=v2): * * ***************************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ezgdal.h> #include <math.h> #include <omp.h> #include "argtable3.h" #include "version.h" #include "viewshed.h" /******************************* * Calc matrix with model * weights */ double **init_model_matrix(double par_a, double par_U, double par_V, double par_h,double par_k, int par_N, double resX, double resY) { double **mtx; int r,c,n; double range,px,py,D,t1,t2; n = par_N*2+1; range = resX*par_N; mtx = malloc(n*sizeof(double *)); for(r=0; r<n; r++) mtx[r] = malloc(n*sizeof(double)); for(r=0; r<n; r++) for(c=0; c<n; c++) { px = resX*(c-par_N); py = resY*(r-par_N); D=(px*px+py*py); if(sqrt(D)<=range) { t1=D+par_h*par_h; t2=sqrt(t1); mtx[r][c]=par_a*(par_U/t1+par_V/t2)*exp(-par_k*t2); } else mtx[r][c]=0.0; } return mtx; } void free_model_matrix(double **mtx, int par_N) { int r, n; n = 2*par_N+1; for(r=0; r<n; r++) free(mtx[r]); free(mtx); } /********************************** * Calc model for a cell * Multiply model matrix by * GHSL values in the cell * perimeter */ double calc(EZGDAL_FRAME *f, double **mtx, int **visible) { int r, n; double sum=0.0; EZGDAL_LAYER *l = f->owner.stripe->layer; n = f->cols; #pragma omp parallel for shared(n,l,f,visible,mtx) reduction( + : sum ) for(r=0; r<n; r++) { double *pm = mtx[r]; double *pb = f->buffer[r]; int *vis = visible[r]; double ss = 0.0; int c; for(c=0; c<n; c++) { if(!ezgdal_is_null(l,*pb) && *vis==1) ss += (*pb) * (*pm); pm++; pb++; vis++; } sum = sum + ss; } double v = -2.5*log10(sum+250.0)+27.78; return v; } /********************************** * Calculation sky brightness */ void calc_model(EZGDAL_LAYER *ghsl_layer, EZGDAL_LAYER *dem_layer, EZGDAL_LAYER *out_layer, double **model_matrix, double **distance, int **visibility, double height0, double radius, double scaleH) { int r,c,c1,c2,r1,r2,rN; int prc = 0; rN = ghsl_layer->rows; c1 = ghsl_layer->stripe->frame->cols/2; c2 = ghsl_layer->cols - c1 + 1; r1 = ghsl_layer->stripe->rows/2; r2 = ghsl_layer->rows - r1 + 1; printf(" 0%%"); fflush(stdout); for(c=0; c<out_layer->cols; c++) out_layer->buffer[c] = out_layer->no_data; for(r=0; r<=r1; r++) { if(100*r/rN != prc) {prc=100*r/rN; printf("\b\b\b\b%3d%%",prc); fflush(stdout); } ezgdal_write_buffer(out_layer,r); } for(r=r1+1; r<r2; r++) { if(100*r/rN != prc) {prc=100*r/rN; printf("\b\b\b\b%3d%%",prc); fflush(stdout); } ezgdal_load_stripe_data(ghsl_layer->stripe, r-r1); if(dem_layer!=NULL) ezgdal_load_stripe_data(dem_layer->stripe, r-r1); for(c=c1; c<c2; c++) { ezgdal_shift_frame_pos(ghsl_layer->stripe->frame, c-c1); if(dem_layer!=NULL) { ezgdal_shift_frame_pos(dem_layer->stripe->frame, c-c1); calc_visibility_mask(dem_layer->stripe->frame, distance, visibility, height0, scaleH, radius, dem_layer->stripe->frame->cols); } out_layer->buffer[c] = calc(ghsl_layer->stripe->frame, model_matrix, visibility); } ezgdal_write_buffer(out_layer,r); } for(c=0; c<out_layer->cols; c++) out_layer->buffer[c] = out_layer->no_data; for(r=r2; r<rN; r++) { if(100*r/rN != prc) {prc=100*r/rN; printf("\b\b\b\b%3d%%",prc); fflush(stdout); } ezgdal_write_buffer(out_layer,r); } printf("\b\b\b\b100%%"); } /************************************* * Check the file */ int file_exists(const char *fname) { FILE *f = fopen(fname,"r"); if(f) { fclose(f); return 1; } return 0; } /************************************* * Display program usage and exit */ void usage(char *progname, void *argtable) { printf("\nSoftware version: %s, build date: %s\n",__RELEASE_VERSION__,__DATE__); printf("\nUsage:\n\t%s", progname); arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable,"\n"); printf("\n"); arg_print_glossary_gnu(stdout,argtable); printf("\n"); exit(0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double par_a = 2.37583; double par_U = 5.96033; double par_V = 0.02625; double par_h = 1.13661; double par_k = 0.03875; int par_N = 300; double resX = 0.1; double resY = 0.1; double resH = 0.001; struct arg_str *ghsl = arg_str1("g","ghsl","<file_name>","name of GHSL file (GeoTIFF)"); struct arg_str *dem = arg_str0("d","dem","<file_name>","name of DEM file (GeoTIFF)"); struct arg_str *out = arg_str1("o","output","<file_name>","name of output file (GeoTIFF)"); struct arg_dbl *p_par_a = arg_dbl0("a","a","<dbl>","parameter 'a' in Berry's model (default: 2.37583)"); struct arg_dbl *p_par_U = arg_dbl0("U","U","<dbl>","parameter 'U' in Berry's model (default: 5.96033)"); struct arg_dbl *p_par_V = arg_dbl0("V","V","<dbl>","parameter 'V' in Berry's model (default: 0.02625)"); struct arg_dbl *p_par_h = arg_dbl0("h","h","<dbl>","parameter 'h' in Berry's model (default: 1.13661)"); struct arg_dbl *p_par_k = arg_dbl0("k","k","<dbl>","parameter 'k' in Berry's model (default: 0.03875)"); struct arg_int *p_par_N = arg_int0("N","radius","<n>","model radius in cells (default: 300)"); struct arg_dbl *p_resX = arg_dbl0(NULL,"res_x","<dbl>","scale factor: column to km (default: 0.1)"); struct arg_dbl *p_resY = arg_dbl0(NULL,"res_y","<dbl>","scale factor: row to km (default: 0.1)"); struct arg_dbl *p_resH = arg_dbl0(NULL,"res_h","<dbl>","scale factor: height to km (default: 0.001)"); struct arg_int *th = arg_int0("t","threads","<n>","number of threads (default 1)"); struct arg_lit *help = arg_lit0(NULL,"help","print help and exit"); struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20); void* argtable[] = {ghsl,dem,out,p_par_a,p_par_U,p_par_V,p_par_h,p_par_k,p_par_N,p_resX,p_resY,p_resH,th,help,end}; int nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable); if(help->count > 0 ) usage(argv[0],argtable); if(nerrors != 0) usage(argv[0],argtable); if(!file_exists(ghsl->sval[0])) { printf("\nInput file [%s] does not exists!\n\n",ghsl->sval[0]); exit(1); } if(dem->count>0 && !file_exists(dem->sval[0])) { printf("\nInput file [%s] does not exists!\n\n",dem->sval[0]); exit(1); } if(p_par_a->count>0) par_a = p_par_a->dval[0]; if(p_par_U->count>0) par_U = p_par_U->dval[0]; if(p_par_V->count>0) par_V = p_par_V->dval[0]; if(p_par_h->count>0) par_h = p_par_h->dval[0]; if(p_par_k->count>0) par_k = p_par_k->dval[0]; if(p_par_N->count>0) par_N = p_par_N->ival[0]; if(p_resX->count>0) resX = p_resX->dval[0]; if(p_resY->count>0) resY = p_resY->dval[0]; if(th->count>0 && th->ival[0]>0 && th->ival[0]<32) omp_set_num_threads(th->ival[0]); else omp_set_num_threads(1); printf("\nInput file (GHSL): %s\n",ghsl->sval[0]); if(dem->count>0) printf("Input file (DEM): %s\n",dem->sval[0]); printf("Output file (sky brightness): %s\n",out->sval[0]); printf("Berry's model parameters: a=%lf, U=%lf, V=%lf, h=%lf, k=%lf\n",par_a,par_U,par_V,par_h,par_k); printf(" radius: %d\n\n",par_N); int no_data; EZGDAL_LAYER *ghsl_layer = NULL; EZGDAL_LAYER *dem_layer = NULL; EZGDAL_LAYER *out_layer = NULL; double **model_matrix; double *at; double **distance; int **visibility; printf(" - preparing environment ... "); no_data = -9999; if(dem->count>0) { dem_layer = ezgdal_open_layer((char *)dem->sval[0]); if(dem_layer==NULL) exit(1); dem_layer->stripe = ezgdal_create_stripe(dem_layer,0,2*par_N+1); dem_layer->stripe->frame = ezgdal_create_frame(dem_layer->stripe,0); } ghsl_layer = ezgdal_open_layer((char *)ghsl->sval[0]); if(ghsl_layer==NULL) exit(1); ghsl_layer->stripe = ezgdal_create_stripe(ghsl_layer,0,2*par_N+1); ghsl_layer->stripe->frame = ezgdal_create_frame(ghsl_layer->stripe,0); at = ezgdal_layer_get_at(ghsl_layer); out_layer = ezgdal_create_layer((char *)(out->sval[0]), ezgdal_layer_get_wkt(ghsl_layer), "Float32", at, ghsl_layer->rows, ghsl_layer->cols, &no_data, EZGDAL_COMPRESS_DEFLATE); if(out_layer==NULL) exit(1); if(p_resX->count==0) { if(at[2]!=0.0) { printf("\n\nYou have to provide 'res_x' parameter\n\n"); exit(1); } else resX = 0.001*fabs(at[1]); } if(p_resY->count==0) { if(at[4]!=0.0) { printf("\n\nYou have to provide 'res_y' parameter\n\n"); exit(1); } else resY = 0.001*fabs(at[5]); } if(p_resH->count>0) resH = p_resH->dval[0]; model_matrix = init_model_matrix(par_a,par_U,par_V,par_h,par_k,par_N,resX,resY); distance = create_dist(2*par_N+1,resX); visibility = create_mask(2*par_N+1,distance,par_N*resX); printf("OK\n"); printf(" - calculating ... "); fflush(stdout); calc_model(ghsl_layer, dem_layer, out_layer, model_matrix, distance, visibility, par_h, par_N*resX, resH); printf(" ... OK\n"); printf(" - closing environment ... "); fflush(stdout); ezgdal_close_layer(ghsl_layer); if(dem->count>0) ezgdal_close_layer(dem_layer); ezgdal_close_layer(out_layer); free_model_matrix(model_matrix, par_N); free_array((void **)distance, 2*par_N+1); free_array((void **)visibility, 2*par_N+1); printf("OK\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0])); return 0; }